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Donor Engagement

Charity Navigator Increases Donor Response Rate by 23% using A.I.

Charity Navigator, the nation’s largest evaluator of nonprofits, guides insightful giving by evaluating the financial health, accountability and transparency of more than 160,000 U.S. charities. Charity Navigator’s ratings empower donors to make intelligent giving decisions and encourage nonprofits to improve their performance and efficiencies. In 2017, Charity Navigator partnered with Arjuna Solutions to implement ExactAsk into their warm acquisition campaigns and saw a $23,410 increase in revenue in the first 6 months of use.


Millions of potential donors visit Charity Navigator’s site every year to research nonprofits to support, but Charity Navigator hadn't currently asked those users to support their own mission of making impactful philanthropy easier for all. Charity Navigator’s first attempts to acquire those registered users proved to be difficult and they saw low conversion rates on top of lower than expected giving levels.

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After learning about Arjuna Solutions and ExactAsk, Charity Navigator quickly recognized they needed help in converting their registered users to donors and understood the importance of converting the users at the optimum level to maximize their donor lifetime giving. Charity Navigator quickly signed on to implement ExactAsk and successfully increased both donor participation rates and giving levels.

"When you're expecting a decrease, and you increase by 44% on top of the growth of the number of donors, that was a really impressive result.

- Shannon McCracken, Board Member, Charity Navigator

Hear from other nonprofits that have optimized their fundraising through our A.I. services.


Charity Navigator experienced a seamless integration of Arjuna’s ExactAsk in their current fundraising process. In fact, only small adjustments were applied to their existing campaign and marketing procedures. Arjuna worked with Charity Navigator’s existing delivery campaign schedule and inserted the ExactAsk service into the existing work flow to ensure seamless integration. Board member Shannon McCracken, who has worked with Arjuna in the past, knew the on-boarding would be simple and straightforward based on her prior use of Arjuna’s ExactAsk.

"It's very difficult to get more people to give more money, but that's what ExactAsk did for us.

- Shannon McCracken, Board Member, Charity Navigator




Arjuna provided Charity Navigator with an easy-to-adopt A.I. service with ExactAsk to meet their needs for higher donation amounts and conversion rates. This patented A.I. service effortlessly integrated with Charity Navigator’s current fundraising processes, eliminating concerns of slowing down production, utilizing specialty staff resources or investing in expensive technologies.


"Arjuna offers a way to do what we’re already doing, just better. We need to focus on building relevancy and relationship with people and that’s about using data intelligence better and more consistently.

- Shannon McCracken, Board Member, Charity Navigator


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