Behavioral Economics Modeling and Artificial Intelligence - evolving together to continuously learn and optimize nonprofit fundraising.
We start with only your existing data and our ExactAsk A.I. models, no co-ops or mingling of data. Our algorithms dynamically calculate the precise ask amounts for each gift array, in real-time. We continuously learn, adapt, and improve with each use — for every individual donor, precisely at the time of each solicitation.
The Nonprofit Alliance
“It’s very difficult to get more people to give more money, but that’s what ExactAsk did for us.”
-Shannon McCracken, CEO, The Nonprofit Alliance
What is the impact of knowing precisely how much to ask of each donor?
Want to see it in action? Here’s a recent case study of how Arjuna’s ExactAsk A.I. service delivered over 30% improvement against the standard R/F/M-generated gift array values, 3 times in a row.
*Note: Everything is individualized. Naturally, results vary.
The power of our ExactAsk service begins with Behavioral Economics Modeling. So, we're not making estimates based on R/F/M or native modeling, we're applying modern, dynamic A.I. models that connect better with donor sentiment and inspire action.
We have repeatedly proven that asking the right amount at the right time, improves donor connection, provides lift and reduces donor attrition.
Now the personalized targeting power of ExactAsk goes even farther, working in tandem with ExactDonor to activate the right donor at the very moment when your campaign is most likely to drive this best prospect to the highest level of giving.
ExactDonor targets the most promising giving prospects, while reducing costs, improving brand alignment and donor experience by also deselecting donors least likely to respond.
The next product in development at Arjuna is ExactCadence and is specifically targeted at optimizing the campaign calendar for nonprofits. Arjuna knows the difficulty in answering the question when to ask whom.
We have proven asking the right amount at the right time increases lift and reduces donor attrition and ExactCadence brings the next step in making fundraising even more efficient for nonprofits.
It’s an advanced service, not a tool. You don’t have to worry about operational or security management. Whatever platform or fundraising processes you’re using, we easily adapt and deliver customized, individually optimized gift arrays for each donor. And grow your bottom line.
Simply complete the campaign worksheet with your campaign types, cadence and volumes.
Securely transfer your dataset and activate the ExactAsk A.I. algorithms.
We continuously and precisely formulate the best ExactAsk gift array amounts for each individual donor.
We deliver. Measure. Learn and refine with continuous improvement over time.