
The technology of knowing when to ask.

Targeting. Timing. Retention Building.



The right solicitation at the right time. Exactly.

The next product in development at Arjuna is ExactCadence and is specifically targeted at optimizing the campaign calendar for nonprofits. Arjuna knows the difficulty in answering the question when to ask whom.

We have proven asking the right amount at the right time increases lift and reduces donor attrition and ExactCadence brings the next step in making fundraising even more efficient for nonprofits.

ExactCadence uses the same data as ExactAsk and ExactDonor to optimize nonprofit resources and maximize donor giving. Arjuna’s A.I. algorithms can calculate not only the best amounts to ask of each donor and the best donors to ask, but also when to solicit gifts from donors.


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Business Impact

The goal of all Arjuna products is to increase the Donor Lifetime Value by focusing on individual relationships. DLV can be measured as the dollars donated by an individual less the cost associated with getting those dollars.

ExactAsk targets increasing the annual cash value per donor without a negative impact on retention.




Discover how Arjuna's Exactask A.I. can provide Individually optimized gift arrays to help you:

  • Optimize lifetime giving from Renewing Donors
  • Reactivate Lapsed Donors at newly optimized levels of giving
  • Garner new donors from Acquisition Campaigns that optimizes giving levels
  • Realize an average uplift of 12% in individual giving within the first 12 months
  • Leverage behavioral economics modeling to achieve greater alignment between the value realized by individual donors and their levels of lifetime giving

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