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Artificial Intelligence

MAP Provides $4.64M of Medical Supplies by Implementing A.I.

MAP International is a Christian organization providing medicines and health supplies to those in need around the world so they might experience life to the fullest. MAP serves all people regardless of religion, gender, race, nationality or ethnic background.


While well-known and respected for over 60 years, MAP International wanted to better connect with
their active, lapsed, and prospective donors on a more personal level that reflected each individual’s
optimal giving level. The ultimate goal was to maximize their donor’s lifetime value by improving the
efficiency of their fundraising efforts to all 3 groups. Donor Lifetime Value is a measure of the total
amount of revenue that any given donor will be responsible for over the course of their lifetime.

MAP International faced challenges such as:

  • Increasing the value of their donor database.
  • Reactivating lapsed donors. For MAP international, this meant a donor who had not contributed in more than 24 months.
  • Inspiring the optimal level of giving from donors in their direct response mail and on-line fundraising activities.
  • Sustaining donor engagement.
  • Building stronger donor relationships by understanding each individual donor's desire to support their mission and values.

    HubSpot Video


MAP International saw the value in Arjuna’s A.I. services and chose to use them to enhance their
fundraising efforts. MAP utilized ExactAsk to improve the results of its active, lapsed, and acquisition campaigns, executed through direct mail and email. MAP International recognized it is challenging to get more people to give more money but felt confident Arjuna could accomplish this goal.

MAP International experienced a smooth transition implementing ExactAsk and partnering with Arjuna:

  • Simple adoption of ExactAsk into their current fundraising schedule and cadence
  • No need for additional tools or software
  • No training or additional headcount needed
  • The only cost being ExactAsk, a nominal amount overall


"The results we saw were quite compelling...Thanks to a simple adjustment in our gift arrays, we were able to meet our fundraising goals.

- Martin Smith, Senior Marketing and Communications Officer


MAP International used ExactAsk to target donors across three segments: active, lapsed and prospective donors. For each segment, Arjuna divided their donor lists into two equal groups, a control and a treatment group, both with the same average donor value per send. The individually optimized ask amounts were delivered to MAP International's marketing agency and solicitations were sent, with the same messaging in the fundraising letters going out to each group.

After the results were measured, MAP International found the group that received the ExactAsk treatment had higher average donations and better participation rates across all 3 campaigns when compared to the control group.




By incorporating ExactAsk into their fundraising campaigns, MAP International increased donor giving levels as well as sustained participation rates across active, lapsed and acquisition campaigns. Each additional dollar raised using Arjuna’s services equates to $68 of new medical supplies to those in need, thus MAP International was able to provide an additional $4.64M of medical supplies in the first year of partnering with Arjuna. Since the case study was completed, MAP International has expanded ExactAsk into more than 11 campaigns including Renewal, Lapsed and Acquisition campaigns and to date has
helped raise over $140K in additional lift.


"Arjuna reflects the price point at which the donor has acknowledged and
the relationship they want with you and your mission.

- Martin Smith, Senior Marketing and Communications Officer


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