5 Ways Fundraisers Can Beat Inflation

An Arjuna webinar presented in partnership with Nonprofit Quarterly

The demand for nonprofit services is steadily increasing, widening the gap between societal needs and the resources available from government and business. This increase in demand exists against the backdrop of spiraling inflation and its negative effect on giving levels and donor participation rates. Meanwhile, even though fundraisers understand the value of omnichannel fundraising, their core direct mail channel is being subjected to cost increases of over 20% this year.

During this webinar, Michael Gorriarán discusses how leading nonprofits are mitigating inflation, including tips about things you can do today and easy-to-implement tools such as Behavioral Economics Modeling and advanced Artificial Intelligence Services, which improve giving levels by an average of 12%, sustain participation rates, and lower direct mail’s cost per dollar raised by 10 – 30%.

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Learning outcomes and takeaways:

  1. Understanding today’s giving environment
  2. Focusing on Improving Net Proceeds​
  3. Optimizing Donor Lifetime Value​
  4. Personalizing Relationship Investment Decisions at Scale​
  5. Finding New Value in Lapsed Donor Campaigns​
  6. Measuring Fundraising Performance

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